Below are the average range of construction labor cost estimate for site works. The data will serve as basis on your estimate since every project is different from the other. Take note that the labor cost are rate per day in Philippine Peso.

Philippines Construction Labor Cost Estimate
Item No. Position Manila Rate per day Provincial Rate per day
Cost Range Cost Range
1 Foreman 650 815 520 800
2 Fitter 530 555 450 540
3 Welder 535 550 430 535
4 Electrician 530 560 390 510
5 Carpenter 535 540 400 450
6 Painter 520 550 390 440
7 Mason 512 535 380 450
8 Driver 500 540 350 450
9 Eqpt Operator 530 550 400 450
10 Helper 512 520 280 430
Item No. Position Manila Rate per Hr Provincial Rate per Hr
Cost Range Cost Range
1 Foreman 81.25 101.875 65 100
2 Fitter 66.25 69.375 56.25 67.5
3 Welder 66.875 68.75 53.75 66.875
4 Electrician 66.25 70 48.75 63.75
5 Carpenter 66.875 67.5 50 56.25
6 Painter 65 68.75 48.75 55
7 Mason 64 66.875 47.5 56.25
8 Driver 62.5 67.5 43.75 56.25
9 Eqpt Operator 66.25 68.75 50 56.25
10 Helper 64 65 35 53.75

Take note that salary of each personnel will be differ from each region, company, experience and scope of works. For example, let say that you will hire a electrician, an ordinary electrician with power and lighting experience will be compensated less compared to an industrial electrician with experience involved in medium/low voltage switchgears, motor control centers and automation. Of course, you will also evaluate the scope of work on what electrician’s experience you need for the job to be productive.

Factors regarding the productive rate will also need to be considered as what we have explained in BASIC LABOR ESTIMATION GUIDE in situation such as the business economy is excellent on that region or you will not hire local workers instead you will bring your own team to that region.

When it comes provincial rates, there are now provinces where construction are booming such as Iloilo City or Cebu City, so will expect that labor cost will be higher in this areas compared to other provinces. Projects must be evaluated and analyzed carefully before you start cost estimation.